At The Good Death Experience, We Are Reimagining The End-of-Life Journey

What is a Death Doula

Death Doulas are non-medical professionals who serve as companions, advocates, and educators for the dying and their families during the death process.

With the ability to adapt their approach to each individual’s needs, they nurture and support the dying and their families in a practical and empathic manner.

As someone with a terminal illness approaches the end of their life, both the dying individual and their family must face unique and challenging circumstances.

During the process of dying, a death doula provides assistance, support, guidance, and companionship to the dying and their families.

In the same way that a birthing doula assists in the birthing process, a death doula assists with the end-of-life process for a dying person and their family.

At The Good Death Experience, we are passionate about honoring one’s existence and legacy, providing exceptional death-care support services, as well as advocating for and supporting end-of-life choices.

We fill gaps and tackle tasks that are difficult to do or face alone.

Are you and your family prepared for a Good Death Experience?

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